TinyPrints Notebook

TinyPrints Notebook


There is just something I love about new notebooks. Every time I am at Target (especially with my sister and BFF) we always make a mad dash to the stationary section to check out all of their new notebook patterns. It’s pretty exciting stuff! We are those girls that can be heard squealing from across the store. “OMG, floral print or LOOK, gold polka dots!”. Like I said, nothing makes me more excited than a new notebook. It’s like getting new school supplies for adults.


Orange Chevron Notebook from Tiny Prints, the rest are all from Target.


Over the past few years, I’ve gotten super into journaling. I used to hate writing and reading more than anything. It was on my list of things I NEVER wanted to do when I was older. I swore to myself I would never enjoy writing, especially essays or research papers or reading anything besides a magazine. Well, fast-forward a few years and there is nothing more I like doing than writing in my journals! God surely changed my stubborn mind on that subject.

When I write in my journals, I don’t specifically sit down and spell out exactly what I did that day, or my whole life story. “So, today I woke up and then I ate breakfast, the end.” No, no, no! That would take forever and in the process I would bore myself. It might be fun to look back later in life but if I wanted to keep a day-by-day life journal, I’d just type it out on the computer.

Sometimes I specify what I did that day, but more like “today at the gym during my devotion, the trainer said this verse or quote, and it stuck out to me because….” or “while I was driving in the car, God showed me this…”. Writing out key moments like this helps me to remember why it felt significant and what God might have been teaching me at that moment. I will write quotes, scripture, pieces of an article I liked, dreams, or just what God is teaching me at the moment. It’s very raw, unedited and a compilation of random thoughts all thrown together. Sometimes I even will cut out inspiring words from a magazine or print out an article that I read online that I really liked and then tape them in.

Writing down my thoughts has helped me in so many more ways than I could have ever imagined. It’s a huge way I communicate with God. I am able to look back in past notebooks from college and see exactly what I was struggling with and how God was faithful and brought me through many difficult times, but I also get to remember joyous times of my life. If anything, they are an excellent reminder to God’s faithfulness and how He got me through different seasons of my life. They are super personal and contain a lot of deep, raw thoughts which might not make sense to anyone else, but writing them out helps me to release it all.

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Brushed Chevron Notebook from TinyPrints

I was so excited when the girls over at Tiny Prints offered to send me one of their notebooks! It was almost like Target, but even better because there were so many more prints, colors and could be easily customized. I chose the Brushed Chevron in Apricot and added “Katie’s Notebook” to the cover. When it comes to notebooks, I am extremely picky about the paper. It needs to be crisp white and smooth. There’s nothing worse than trying to write on scratchy recycled, egg yolk yellow paper. When I received the package in the mail  from TinyPrints, it was love at first notebook sight. The notebook was the perfect size, the pages were smooth and white and I loved the bright customized cover.

There are so many Notebook options to pick from on their website. I can’t wait for my current notebook to run out of space so I can buy a new one! My current favorites are the Noted Beauty Sunflower, Brilliant Thoughts , and Incredible Thoughts . It really is so hard to choose, though. I want them all. If you haven’t been on the TinyPrints website before, I highly recommend taking a look. They are a sister site to Shutterfly and have so many unique things to choose from like Stationary, Announcements and Home Decor. Their Home Decor is actually really great, and I will be sharing a few pillows from them in an upcoming post.

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